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Portfolio: Content Development

Email Marketing

To promote the National Eating Disorders Association's largest fundraiser, NEDAWalks, Mindy wrote and launched an email to encourage participants to register early.

Website Content

To promote North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority's How to Pay for College Series, Mindy created a landing page that provided steps for students to take. For RDU's Vision2040 microsite, Mindy created the navigation and content in the PDF download.

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Published Professional Writing

As a freelance writer for WRALTechwire and Airport Improvement Magazine, Mindy interviewed, wrote, and edited stories. As an in-demand writer and speaker on crisis communications, Mindy has written for PR websites including Ragan's PR Daily.

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Ragan Daily Article.JPG

Marketing Collateral

The NC Biotechnology Center has worked with Hamlin Communications since 2016. As one of NCBiotech's freelance writers, Mindy has written extensively for the agency to grow the state's reputation as one of the world's leaders in life sciences. For one project, Mindy researched and wrote the content for marketing collateral to introduce companies to the state's life sciences ecosystem and state incentives.

Medical Devices Cover.png
Agriculture Cover.png

Success Stories

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As part of NCBiotech's efforts to build a workforce pipeline to support the growing number of life sciences jobs in the state, Mindy wrote a series of profiles that appeared on the agency's website and on the news site WRALTechwire. Links to a few of the stories are below.





Copyright Hamlin Communications 2023

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